case in point: Warning signs in Australia generally are constructed either in a positive light as in at the train stations "behind the line is fine" or they try to persuade people by fines "stay off the tracks or it's a $150 fine" or occasionally similarly to "Warning, high voltage present" or in extreme circumstances, "warning, danger of injury".
In London however, dispite the fact that at every tube station there's a nice lady's voice politely asking everyone to please "mind the gap" between the train and the platform, the British certainly don't pull any punches if something is really dangerous:

The above sign works it's greatest effect of course if said out aloud in a deep, suspense building movie-commentary voice. "what is the one force in the universe that could possibly prevent our hero from crossing over that barbed wire fence? that's right, it's the....... DANGER OF DEATH".
anyway, it made me laugh and it's now a recurring joke between Debbie and myself.
So I've been mostly bedridden this week - I've had a fever and completely lost my appetite. on wednesday I went to a walk in medical centre and they gave me some antibiotics (would rather not post details on the web, but it's a 7 day course of Cefalexin if you were wondering Jill).
Tomorrow we move to the our next homestay place in Clapham. I sincerely hope debbie posts something about her week on the blog, but I've given up nagging her about it. She's getting better at using the Web as a result of her job though - it's very cool to see.
no more photos unfortunately this week as I've mostly been a bedridden recluse and debbie's been at work. hopefully we'll get the video thing sorted out soon.
1 comment:
Lo says:
"Bed-ridden recluse" ? ?
Are you OK?
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