So we did actually end up going somewhere this weekend! on Saturday we went to Kew gardens. they have an ice skating rink and lots of botanical gardens and some Christmas stalls and a carols by candlelight type thing. Unfortunately there's only a couple of photos that we have to share.
the reason is, it's getting REALLY cold. so cold in-fact, that I'd like to amend my previous advice to stay here to see the winter in to: "you absolutely must stay for the first week of December.... then you absolutely must get out of here and back to a warm country as fast as you possibly can".
anyway, so kew gardens - very nice, very cold. it hurt to take my hands out of the gloves to take the photos... so much so that for most cool photo opportunities the conversation went like this:
Debbie: ooo, that would make a lovely photo
Andrew: yeah...
Debbie: Can we take a photo?
Andrew: sure... you can get the camera out of the bag if you like.
Debbie: *pause* Nah...forget it.
Andrew: yep....
Anyway, the couple of photos that I did take were of Debbie all rugged up:

so anyway, last weekend we didn't to anything of note at all: I was tired from the Christmas party on the Friday night and Debbie had a migraine for almost the entire weekend, so we didn't go anywhere. besides, it was raining so it was probably good that we stayed in. so since there's a lack of photos from the weekend, I thought I'd share something I've been working on for a while now:
London Cityscape Project:
Since coming to London, I've loved the different types of buildings. I tend to just look up a lot when walking around. the roofs are different, there's chimneys, Tudor style buildings, curvy streets. I guess if you lived here for most of your life you wouldn't think it's anything special, but coming from a comparatively modern city there's some very cool architecture here.
So I've been compiling nice shots of the streets and tops of buildings. it doesn't really interest Debbie at all, so I hope that it's not too boring for you but I've stuck them all into a little video and put it to some nice music, like the one we did of the Tower of London. most of it is photos that you haven't seen before but I have included some that we've put on the blog before. I hope you like it.
By the way, I got feed back from the last video that the shots flipped through too fast. the only thing is that Debbie told me this AFTER I had spent over 2hrs putting this one together, so if you miss anything or want to see the photos slowly, you're going to have to pause it and restart it, or just watch it a few times over :-D
Also just to be a bit different, I've flipped one shot around so that the cars are driving on the wrong side of the road - see if you can pick it!
so turn up your sound, and sit back and watch:
if you're having trouble viewing the above, CLICK ME .
(remember you can hit the full screen button on the bottom right of the video section of the page to make it full screen and hit escape to get normality back again. (the full screen thing only works however if you actually go to youtube by clicking on the "click me" above... complicated enough for you?)).
Lots of love,
Andrew & Debbie
Lo says: Fantastic. We sure enjoyed the video - loved the variety of buildings - it sure is so much different than here.
Go says: Loved your video presentation especially the way the music changed when you included Debbie and yourself. Love your poses in front of the modern buildings - very arty.
Lo and Go say: Was that really Debbie under all those clothes? There wasn't much to see of her except that she/he/it looked cold. !-)
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