so yeah, I was hoping for a historical tour of the history of prisons and all things not quite so nice about London's past. turns out it's closer to a house of horrors tour at the ekka, y'know the ones that cease to be scary when you turn about 10 years old..... it could have been really good, but it was just a little bit underwhelming on the amount of historical information you were given by the "tour guides" compared with the yeoman warders at the tower of London. possibly the coolest bit was the worlds largest mirror maze modeled off the crypts of all hallows church in the city "THE LABYRINTH OF TERROR!" wailed the theatrical "keeper of the crypt" as he pointed the way in. it was fairly cool, but it was as the guy behind me kept saying.... "the LABYRINTH OF PLASTIC......" it would be fun to do that again and try to find the way out myself, but debbie was grabbing my arm and following the crowd... it ended up that nearly the entire tour group ended up going in a circle following eachother... "we're going in circles, I think we should go that way" I said... "nooo, let's just follow these people" said debbie.... thankfully we were all saved by the next tour guide who led us all out the correct way.
also that day, we went to try to do a bit of Christmas shopping. they've started turning on all the christmas lights and putting up decorations etc. it's really great. because sun sets at about 4:30ish and it gets really dark at about 5, it's hard to not walk arround the city at "nighttime".

it's really very lovely, we havn't taken that many photos of the lights because we don't think they'll turn out very well. most of them are hanging over the middle of streets and you can't take a shot of them without them looking just like dots in the sky.
anyway - enough for now.
I have a favor to ask: could everyone who reads this, who has debbie's e-mail address, e-mail her and say "write on the blog!!!" perhaps that will spur her into action :-D
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