Monday, 8 October 2007

Just a quick post

I'm not really feeling laconic at the moment - I've had a cold for the past 5 days or so and am a bit tired so here's the latest happenings in note form:

  • Debbie's really really really enjoying her new job. this will be her second week.
  • I have a job now and start on wednesday. It's a bit less money than I was hoping for, but they are offering some great training and it will be a good experience to work there. it's a permanent job.
  • Last weekend Debbie and I went to the Tate modern - it was very cool. some of the items sat squarely in the fuzzy grey area between what could be called art and what monkeys flinging paint at a wall could produce, but everyone else was staring at it in a deep and meaningful way and we didn't want to rock the boat so we did the same.
Random stuff:

here's some britishisms and their associated Australian terms for you that we've been compiling in order to aide our friends comming over next year:

English / Australian
Estate Car | Station Wagon
Duvet | Doona
Bankers Draft | Bank Cheque
Hiya | Hello, how are you
Coffee | Semi-hot Swill
Latte | Scalding hot Swill

here are some random photos taken on the day we went to the tate modern. we couldn't take photos inside the building unfortunatly.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

the last one is me attempting and failing to look like a business man...... 2 months of not being employed is taking its toll :-(

a section for rev heads:
one thing about London that I have noticed is the abundance of supercars. I think the basic idea is that if you have to live in one of the most expensive cities in the world and drive arround the silly narrow streets, you may as well drive one of the most expensive cars in the world and at least make people impressed when you run over them.

in Brisbane I used to actually turn my head every time there a high end porsche (not the boxters...) drove past, but doing that in London would increase my chiropractic bill tenfold. also in brisbane, it would be very rare to see a lambo, ferrari or lotus let alone any of the more rare european supercars, but here it's common place to see all three on any given day in the city. I'm gradually ticking off my wish list for really rare car spotting :D

cars spotted so far:
Ferrari Enzo: 1
Lamborghini Mercielago: 5+ (including roaster versions)
Lamborghini Gallardo: a dime a dozen
Aston Marton V8 Vantage: 3+
Aston Marton DB9: a dime a dozen
Pagani Zonda: 1 (wooo - it's better in real life than it is in photos)
Lotus Exige: 2+
Porsche Carrera GT: 1 (very cool - fastest porsche)
Audi R8: 1

Remaining on yet-to-see wish list:
Bugatti Veyron
Koenigsegg CCX

anyway - last night I watched Top gear for the first time on TV. the new 07/08 series is here! yay! :D

ok - enough for now :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You saw a ZONDA!!!??


Love the St Paul's pics.