- Cleaned house
- Moved out,
- sold car,
- living at mum and dad's.
- very tired from cleaning and moving and running up and down stairs with junk that we've accumulated over the years.
- Work,
- cancel electricity and phone,
- found out we have tennants! a vetenary surgeon and a PHD student.
- stayed up late backing up computer and e-mailing stuff etc.
- Work, cook dinner for mum and dad, finish backing up computer.
- debbie got sent home early from work :-)
- stayed up late sorting out computer files and e-mailing things etc.... can't remember specifically what I did but there was no procrastination involved.
- debbie had wednesday off as usual and went back to do some final cleaning of our house and fixing the smoke alarms that have been compulsory since july 1.
- Got tax done, found out that we earned too much and have to pay the medicare levy :(
- Took Debbie's boss and his wife out to a resturant in the valley called Garuva's - it's my new favorite resturant. ( I highly recommend it for the atmosphere, tried a new drink: "B52": baileys, kalhua and contreau in a shot glass.... creamy, yet tangy
- got home late, very tired. no matter, will sleep on weekend.
- Work - starting to get a bit frantic handing over last minute things, cleaned out desk kind of de-motivated a bit.
- Lunch at Jaz with the gang from work! now pushed down to third favorite resturant since last night. 2.5 glasses of apathy juice (2005 vintage) later I was motivated for work again, cleaned out desk.
- Went to Klinton and Kirsty's place for dinner - mmmm pumkin soup..... stayed late chatting.... started becomming incoherant at about 11pm so they took us home
- Debbie was up seemingly most of the night coughing....sofa bed bounces violently when she coughs..... woke up late, dragged self out of bed, couldn't bear the thought of calling in sick on my last day... how lame would that be.
- outlook immediately brightened apon quaffing a double-grande latte with two sugars.
- more frantic handing over and development and saying goodby etc.
- Debbie had day off as usual and pottered arround doing miscelaneous administrative stuff to finalise everything
- Crew from work got me a huge card! over the years I've written on heaps but this is the first time I got one, very cool :-)
- looks like I'm staying up late again writing a blog post.....very tired.... no matter, will sleep in tomorrow.
comming up soon:
- Farewell party for family and friends
- haircut! finally!
- Packing bags
- Andrew & Debbie some gold class movie tickets for my birthday from mum and dad... going to go out and chill for a bit.
- buy camcorder
- get some cash yen and pounds
- panic a few times thinking we've forgotten to get something important
- Fly to Japan!!!
- sleep?
- Explore Tokyo, avoid becoming irradiated
- sleep?
- Fly to London
- take touristy shots of buckingham palace etc, get mobile phones, activate bank account
- update blog?
- Sleep!!!!
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